Why Pinterest is a Gold Mine for Your Marketing Campaign

Pinterest is a great place to reach Gen Z Users

In 2020, the number of people in this demographic grew by 40%. 98% of Pinterest users reported that they had tried something new based on their searches on the platform. Pinterest is hugely popular for planning material purchases and home improvement projects, 85% of pinners say that they use Pinterest to plan a move, a total home redecoration, or even just regular day-to-day activities. Pinterest’s appeal as an online source of inspiration spans the fashion and beauty, as well as the home décor and homewares industries. Content in these categories has grown by nearly 100% since last year.

Engagement on Pinterest

Pinterest has discovered that pictures of your product being used (photos or videos) bring higher engagement and more sales. In contrast, a simple picture of the product alone will not have the same impact. When you include a video or photo that shows someone using the product, users are 70% more likely to engage with your pin by clicking through to your site when you tag the product.

Have you ever found a pin that you liked, but the product wasn’t tagged, and got frustrated because you wanted to purchase the product? Therefore, it is key to include the link to your product when creating your pin. Pinterest has stated that a pin including the word ‘New,’ typically gets more attention from users than other pins. If you have the word ‘New’in your pin, people are more likely to remember it. Especially if you use a GIF to get your customers’ attention within their feed. 

Pinterest is Exponentially Growing

According to Pinterest, their number of conversions grew more than four times in the last year. People are not simply browsing; they’re adding products to their shopping carts and checking out based on what they see on Pinterest.

If you are not yet advertising on Pinterest, it’s time to start.

Several types of content perform better on Pinterest than others. A study by Pinterest revealed that content related to the seasons, holidays, or other everyday moments is incredibly popular on the platform. If your business offers products or services that fall into these categories, you’ll see 10 times more awareness and 22% more sales. Examples would be fall fashion, home decor, beauty trends, or even workouts which are part of everyday activities.

How to Use Pinterest to Grow Your Business

Pinterest is a visual search engine. People go on Pinterest to be inspired. The great part is that they are searching by using keywords, which helps you niche down. When you create an account and pins, be sure to use relevant keywords. To find the right keywords, use Pinterest’s Trends tool. Using the search term, select your location and then look at volume and popularity trends over time. You can also compare various search terms by using the compare search terms tool.

For example, if you were selling ‘lip gloss’ you would compare ‘lip gloss’ with ‘lipstick colors’ and ‘lipstick.’ You will see that ‘lip gloss’ by far has the most searches and the search volume spiked around January/February – which is before Valentine’s Day. Based on this data you should put the keyword ‘lip gloss’ in as many places as possible: the title of pins, the description, your bio, your username, the name of your board, and the board description. 

Pinterest has stated that you should start pinning your content a minimum of 45 days in advance. This is for the Pinterest algorithm to identify what your pin is and let it determine who to show it to. Helping you be prepared for when search volume is at its peak and people are actively searching for that keyword. That means pinning your content in late November or early December if you want to maximize your exposure on the platform for ‘lip gloss’ in January and February. 

Why You Save Money Using Pinterest

Visual search engine platforms give businesses a way to reach potential customers by displaying images that contain the keywords they are actively seeking. As people search for products on Pinterest, your business will get a tremendous amount of traffic from users who are likely to buy your product. Promoting content with Pins can be done for just $2 to $5 per thousand impressions. Compare this to Facebook, where running ads can cost anywhere from $10 to $15 for the same number of impressions. On Google, it’s upwards of $30. So, when you combine low costs with high purchase intent, you will get outstanding results for your business.

Facts Why Pinterest is Great
  • Users spend much more on Pinterest than they do on any other platform. The average order value is $180, which is twice as much as that for Facebook. 
  • People on Pinterest also make more money than the average income; their average annual income is around $75,000 per year.
  • Advertising costs on Pinterest are relatively inexpensive, approximately $2–5 per 1,000 impressions – CPM (Cost Per Mille or Cost Per Thousand). The cost is four times less than on Facebook. In other words, it’s four times cheaper to advertise on Pinterest than on Facebook.  
  • A staggering 82% of users say they bought something after seeing a brand’s content on Pinterest. That’s 8 out of every 10 visitors on Pinterest.

Today, Pinterest is dominated by 15–24-year-olds, with the number of people over age 45 doubling in size from last year. As advertising platforms vie for increased market share, Pinterest has emerged as an unexpected player. This isn’t surprising when you consider the demographic of Pinterest users: 70% of the American adults on the platform identify as women, who control 83% of all U.S. spending power. The time is ripe for being creative in new ways and using new mediums if brands want to engage this audience successfully and make their products sell better in the process.

In sum, Pinterest has been a big hit with marketers over the last 12 months. The visual content tool is easy to use and creates a platform for more interest in the business by the consumer. The statistics speak for themselves. By 2022, 93% of businesses will be using Pinterest as a marketing tool, and with those kinds of numbers, it’s hard to not see why. Content curation has been around since the dawn of the Internet, but it’s only recently that we’re seeing it grow in popularity again. Today, new social media platforms are making sharing things on the web as easy as can be, and as you’ve already seen from all the data above, Pinterest is one platform where people are more than happy to share their content for others to see, use and enjoy. What’s more, businesses have caught onto this fact as well – and they’re using Pinterest to their advantage.

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