How To Turn A YouTube Video Into An Endless Stream Of Content

Did you know that the number of videos uploaded to YouTube are doubling every year? Whether you are a business owner, blogger, or even a video hobbyist, there has never been a better time to create more content, and YouTube is a great platform to get started on. However, with all the competition, it is hard to stand out. How do you turn a YouTube video into more content or traffic? With The Content Vortex Method!

Content creation and social media management can be a grueling job. Constantly producing new content, posting it online, responding to comments and criticisms, analyzing performance data, and developing fresh ideas can be draining and time-consuming. The Content Vortex is to help you streamline that process and cut down the time you spend creating content. This technique is a never-ending supply of original content you can post on multiple social platforms. The key is to develop your ideas around a central topic or theme, then create one long format video for that topic.

Understand the Power of a Video 

YouTube is no longer a place of entertainment. YouTube is now a search engine. Read that again. YouTube is a search engine. People go to Youtube to directly look up how to solve their problems. Your target audience is looking up “How to…” videos to make their lives easier. When you provide content to help solve someone else’s problem, they view you as a credible source. If you’ve helped them, there is a higher chance they will purchase something from you. (Tip: Use for your topic to see what questions people are asking. Then answer those questions. This strategy will help you be found organically with longtail keywords.)

What is the Content Vortex method? 

The Content Vortex is a system we use here at Roket Brand to streamline our social media output. We’ve simplified our posts across our top channels with it, and I’m excited to share how our team can produce so much content. The key to the Content Vortex is automation and an understanding of how to create an endless stream of content from a single source. The concept is easy, take one long-format video (a live stream preferably) and break it down into multiple pieces of content. By breaking down the original video, you will create additonal content based on the original topic. 

Step by Step Instructions 

  • Step 1: Create your long-format YouTube video. (Examples: a live stream video, a one-hour video, a Q&A video, a case study, a Keynote or  PowerPoint presentation.)
  • Step 2: Upload that video into Descript. (We prefer this editing system Descript allows us to extract a transcript and audio. Descript can be used to edit video segments into short videos.)
  • Step 3: Time to break it down. Extract the audio, or your unedited version of your YouTube video’s audio, to have the audio file uploaded as a podcast. Add a beginning and end voice-over. Then you upload your podcast to Spotify/ Apple/ or any other podcast service. (There are multiple services to upload your podcast and distribute it to all available platforms: Buffer or Hootsuite).
  • Step 4: Transcribe the audio into written format (a.k.a. a transcript). Option 1: you can turn the whole thing into an eBook. Option 2: condense it to roughly 2000 words to be used as a blog post. (Make sure to add additional keywords for your niche. Descript is fantastic at editing out any “umms” from your transcript.)
  • Step 5: Take sections of your article and break them down into captions for posts on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, & Pinterest. 
  • Step 6: Share the first section of your article as an email blast. Let your audience know they can read the rest on your website with the link. (This is an additional opportunity to give them tips or tricks about your services/products before highlighting what you sell.)
  • Step 7: Create a shorter version of your video formatted to fit portrait mode for phones to upload to Instagram IGTV, TikTok, Pinterest pins, and Facebook. 
  • Step 8: Take key quotes and turn them into inspirational posts. 
  • Step 9: Remember you can always create a linked post of your YouTube video on Facebook, Pinterest, & LinkedIn. 

From One Video You Will Create…

You’ll produce an audio podcast, a series of video blog segments, and additional content for your social network profiles. Let’s break it down:

  1. Long format video
  2. Mini highlights videos for social media
  3. Podcast
  4. eBook
  5. Article
  6. Email Blast
  7. Key Quotes for Instagram Feed or Pinterest Pins
  8. Captions for social media posts

This method will help you create more content and a higher possibility of reaching your target audience. Everyone has a different way of learning; some of your audience will prefer to watch the video, while others would like the option to read it. Give your audience more opportunities to interact with your brand. Remember, you can add an embedded video into your article and offer a free download of the eBook to capture their email.  

The Content Vortex isn’t hard to implement, and the benefits it creates will help you run your social media accounts more efficiently. Start with taking one long-format video, break it down to create one post. Soon you’ll be generating a ton of content effortlessly! With the Content Vortex, you can produce not just one stream of posts from multiple pieces of video content but a large amount of content from a single video source. With this system in place, you’ll be able to post more to your social media channels than you ever thought possible.

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